Annual Report 2022 -23


Welcome to the Office of the Student Ombuds at Georgetown University. We are dedicated to working with students, staff and faculty to foster an environment where every voice is heard, and every concern is addressed with respect, impartiality, and confidentiality. Over the past year, our office has not only witnessed a significant increase in engagement but has also expanded our outreach and refined our services to meet the evolving needs of our students. Through active listening, informal mediations, and conflict coaching, we strive to resolve disputes and facilitate constructive dialogues. Our annual report highlights our accomplishments, our outreach activities and our strategic goals for the future, underscoring our commitment to the well-being and success of every member of the Georgetown community.

Annual Report 2022-23 Highlights

This year, the Office of the Student Ombuds experienced a significant evolution in its engagement with the Georgetown University community. Our commitment to providing a confidential, impartial, and independent resource for conflict resolution and problem-solving was reflected in our service to an increased number of visitors, enhanced outreach efforts, and the strategic implementation of feedback mechanisms for continuous improvement.

Visitor Engagement
We witnessed a nearly 20% increase in visitor traffic, totaling 333 individuals, highlighting the trust and reliance placed in our services. Notably, graduate student engagement surged to 56.3%, underscoring our office’s pivotal role in supporting their unique challenges. 

Key Issues
The primary concerns addressed encompassed evaluative relationships, administrative services, and ethical standards, showcasing the diverse needs of our community. Our efforts in active listening, facilitating communication, and navigating university policies have been instrumental in fostering a positive environment for conflict resolution. 

Outreach Initiatives
The launch of our Instagram account (@georgetownombuds) and the involvement of graduate assistants expanded our reach and provided vital channels for engagement and support. These initiatives, coupled with increased workshop offerings, have significantly contributed to raising awareness about our services and the principles of restorative justice. 

Feedback and Impact
Post-visit feedback has affirmed the value of our services in resolving issues informally and effectively. This positive impact motivates us to continue our mission, with a focus on enhancing accessibility, increasing educational efforts, and implementing restorative practices. 

Looking Forward
Building on this year’s accomplishments, we set our sights on further expanding our workshop offerings, deepening our commitment to restorative justice, and continuing to serve as a vital resource for the Georgetown University community.

Annual Report 2022-23

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