Meet the Student Ombuds

Dr. Brancaforte is a Certified Organizational Ombudsman Practitioner (CO-OP®). She has been at Georgetown University since 2014 serving first as Senior Assistant Dean, Director of Strategic Initiatives & Interdisciplinary Programs for 7 years at Georgetown’s McDonough School of Business prior to her current role as the Main Campus Student Ombuds. Dr. Brancaforte has taught and advised students at various universities, worked as a social science research consultant for 14 years and was the co-founder of a service-disabled veteran-owned small business before coming to Georgetown. She teaches a class on business anthropology to students across campus, combining her experience as a consultant for government agencies with anthropological methods and theories.
Dr. Brancaforte is passionate about the Georgetown University community and the welfare of its students. She has worked on multiple committees and with resource offices across campus to identify and address student needs and concerns. Dr. Brancaforte has lived and studied extensively in Europe and Latin America, speaks Spanish, German, and Italian, and enjoys traveling and visiting extended family.
Ph.D., Social-Cultural Anthropology, Princeton University, New Jersey
B.A., Italian & Anthropology, Bryn Mawr College, Pennsylvania